October 29, 2007

Att ta ställning...

Jag har farit med osanning i mina inlägg från igår, och man kan fråga sig varför jag gjorde det. Ärligt talat vet jag inte riktigt. Det kanske var chock, vad vet jag. Jag satt i alla fall här nu på morgonen och bestämde mig för att skriva ut ändå. Försöka skriva ur mig mina känslor, det är ingen ide att försöka begrava dem inom mig. Det fungerar dessvärre inte. Jag måste göra något, för detta håller inte.

Sanningen är att jag genomled lördagens fest i en sorts chocktillstånd. Spelade åter en roll, den glada masken. Under ytan hade det åter spruckit och tårarna rann. Varför kan man fråga sig. Ibland vet man inte, och ibland vill man inte säga det. Läget är väldigt komplext just nu. Jag känner mig som ett korthus, men det är inte sant. Denna gång är det inte min hjärna som hotar att falla ihop i en sölig hög. Den tickar på bra och är lugn, metoderna funkar bra för mig där. Dom funkar dock mycket sämre på ens hjärta. Såret jag trodde läkt sprack upp och blottade åter mina känslor. Mycket strömmade tillbaks över mig och gårdagen blev inte bättre av att jag satt och sölade vid datorn på förmiddagen. Precis allt kom tillbaks, en fruktansvärd upplevelse. Det fick mig under natten att inse att jag inte kommer klara av ett sånt återfall till. Jag kommer köra mig själv mentalt i botten igen. Tillbaks dit jag aldrig vill hamna igen.

Där av titeln. Det är nu läge att ta tag i allt jag burit med mig. Jag får väl erkänna att jag behållit saker i mitt hjärta. Ärligt så klarade jag inte av att rensa ut det, orkade inte. Nu inser jag att det håller inte, det driver mig åter nedåt. Jag behöver släppa allt nu. Jag måste exorcera alla känslor som gömt sig i mitt hjärtas vrår, bli kall, elak och egoistisk. För vem det än må vara, måste bli ren från allt. Har den katolska kyrkans inte fullt så officiella exorcism "ritual" hemma i någon bok, men den funkar nog inte på kärlek. Önskar att jag hade ett hjärta av sten, och att mina tårar kunde torka ut för alltid.

Nu har jag åter blottat mig mer än jag tänkte, som den återfallsförbrytare jag är. Får se till att det får en ände. Med detta kommer jag dra mig undan ett tag, sluta betrakta min omvärld, bli min egen person. Ta mig samman och börja om från början med att bygga den nya Johan. Rasera alla byggstenar och börja om från början.

Lev väl!

1 comment:

jes6ica said...

This makes me cry for so so so many reasons.

I'm first reminded of a good friend I had in college who was manic depressive, but for various reasons, no longer took his medicines. We used to meet regularly for lunch between classes, and then one evening, I got a phone call from him. He was calling around to everyone he knew, he said, to tell them to pretend that he was dead, that he needed to pull back. I thought about this, and said, "Jer, I can't do that. You're my friend, and I can't pretend that you're dead. It would hurt me, and you, and it would be a lie." I said that if he needed some time, that's fine, but that I just couldn't pretend he was dead. The next day, he joined me for lunch again. And told me that all his other friends had said that they would pretend he was dead, but that I was the only one who wouldn't. He decided that made me the kind of friend who really cared, and so he wanted to spend time with me anyway. I remember feeling so many things, then. Joy and sadness at the same time.

Another thing that comes to mind is this idea that being an introvert is a bad thing. I always thought so too, until I started reading a bit more about it. I am most definitely an introvert, but I now know that that's nothing I need to change, because I couldn't if I wanted to. You see, studies have shown (and I'll see if I can find some to send you if you're interested...I can at least recommend some books) that introverts and extroverts have chemically different brain processes. They deal with information in completely different ways, and also, they deal with public situations in different ways. Extroverts are people who can gather energy from being with other people. Introverts, on the other hand, though they can do fine, and even enjoy themselves in group activities, need a good deal of alone time afterwards to recharge. Meanwhile, a quick link: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch

Another thing is all the sadness. I don't know the reasons for yours, but mine initially stems from a number of things: I grew up living with my grandparents and my mother, grandpa had been severely abused as a kid, and brought those traits over--it's very strange to love and hate and fear and sympathize with a person all at the same time; my mother was sick from the time I was about 10 years old. She died the day before I turned 20. They didn't figure out what she might have been sick with until her sister was later diagnosed with lupus (a kind of auto-immune, degenerative joint disease, which in later stages attacks the internal organs as well). For ten years I watched her go from a normal, loving, vibrant mom to a withered, wheelchair bound person, all without knowing why. Now I know I have it too, because it's genetic. But I tell you now, I am NOT going to allow doctors to use experimental medications on me, which is part of what I think helped "ruin" my mother so quickly. I won't go more into that now, but if you want to ask me, feel free...; I was raped at the start of my third year at ISU (Idaho State Uni.) and started withdrawing...the following May was when my mom died, my grades plummeted and I just didn't care about anything. I ran away to Washington state and lived with a guy for a few months...he turned out to be abusive, so I was at least smart enough to leave. He bit me. That was enough.

I eventually started getting on track again, sort of. I still wasn't happy. Didn't care about life, started MUDding and met Lennart there, on Genesis, a mud run at Chalmers.

Anyway, flash forward now...L and I have had our problems too. He was working in Boston for more than a year, and had an affair. That's not something fun to go through. But we're working through it, and doing better now than we probably were when we got married even.

So all these things...I know that any one of them could have made me so endlessly depressed that I might have just felt like ending my life completely. Just getting rid of all the pain.

But something else in me says, find something good in each day. And you, Johan, are now one of those things for me. I'm SO glad for being introduced to you via Tom, because I think that you are probably an excellent friend. Tom certainly vouches for you, and he's one of my best friends ever!

Well...as you say, "Live well!"